Fees may be subject to adjustment at any time. Visa Application Charges may be subject to adjustment on 1 July each year. This may increase the cost of a visa.
To check the Visa Application Charge, see form 990i Charges available from the
department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/990i.htm or check with the nearest office of the department.
Method of payment In Australia
To make a payment, please pay by credit card, debit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Debit card and credit card are the preferred methods of payment.
Outside Australia
You must lodge your application with the Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre, but you
are able to make a payment at an Australian Government office overseas. Before making a payment outside Australia, please check with the Australian Government office where you intend to lodge your application as to what methods of payment and currencies they can accept and to whom the payment should be made payable.
Skills assessment
Before you lodge an application for General Skilled Migration, there will be a charge for the assessment of your skills for your nominated occupation imposed by the relevant assessing authority. For information about the assessing authorities see form 1121i included in the General Skilled Migration pack or on the department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/
Application charge or first installment
Payment must accompany your application and is generally not refunded if the
application is unsuccessful. To check the Visa Application Charge, see form 990i Charges available from the department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/990i.htm or check with the nearest office of the department.
If members of your family unit are included in your application, only one application charge is payable for the entire family unit. If a separate application is made by them at a later date, a separate charge is payable.
Second installment Visa Application Charge (English language tuition)
Members of your family unit aged 18 years or over included in your application who
have been assessed as not having functional English language skills will be required to pay a second installment charge (see form 990i Charges) which entitles them to English language tuition in Australia to achieve functional English. The full amount of this charge must be paid before a visa can be granted to you. Members of your family unit who are able to demonstrate functional English ability (eg. obtain an overall band score of 4.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)) do not have to pay this charge. Applicants who pay this charge will receive information about the Adult Migrant English Program and where they can receive their tuition when the visa is granted.
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